There are two registration paths for non-degree students. The process you follow depends on the student status you choose — either nonmatriculated (NM) or graduate nonmatriculated (GNM) — and the academic quarter. (A nonmatriculated or a graduate nonmatriculated student is one who isn’t formally admitted to the University.)

Nonmatriculated Students
You should register as a nonmatriculated student (NM) unless you are planning to apply the credits you earn toward a specific graduate-level (master's or Ph.D.) degree at the UW. Most people will fall into this category.
For autumn, winter and spring quarters:
Register as an NM Student
For summer quarter, register following the instructions on the Summer Sessions site:

Graduate Nonmatriculated Students
You should register as a graduate nonmatriculated student if you plan to apply the credits you earn toward a specific graduate degree at the UW in the future.
If you are later admitted to a UW graduate degree program, you can apply up to 12 credits earned as a GNM student toward degree requirements.
For all quarters: